4 Things To Do Before Quitting A Job You Just Started
The first week at work seems to be an easy and nice time because this is when you get acquainted with colleagues, the working environment, and catch up on new work. But in fact, these are extremely important days that determine the long-term future of both sides. If the first impression about the company is not good, most people tend to quit the job immediately.
However, have you ever taken time to thoughtfully consider: Am I too hasty in deciding to leave?
Before deciding to quit or continue, here are a few things to consider if you’ve just joined the company but want to give up right after your first week.
1. Find out the reason why you want to quit
First, ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly:
- Do you feel lost?
- Overwhelmed by your workload
- Differences in company’s culture?
- The actual job is not as described in the interview? Or is there something else?
List them all and answer them one by one with yourself. You may not expect it, but this self-questioning step shows that you are mature, multi-dimensional, and empathetic.
2. Schedule a meeting with an HR or supervisor
To show your professionalism and keep a good profile in your career, do not suddenly send an email announcing your resignation but contact the HR department or your supervisor to schedule a meeting and seriously discuss the reasons why you want to leave. Therefore, the company can understand and offer solutions to your problems.
3. Try gaining time
Depending on the actual situation, if your mood got better and your problems resolved, try staying from two weeks to a month to discover and get into your work. After this time you still want to quit your job, give yourself time to find another job that is best for you as well as bring a condition for the company to find another candidates.
4. Prevention is better than cure
To avoid similar resignation in the future, take the time to clarify what you want and expectations for the job, and which skills and qualities are needed. And especially, take time to thoroughly research the company’s culture that you are applying for. Take advantage of the relationships around you or the internet to get information about the company before officially starting work. This will help you avoid being overwhelmed by too many differences in your new workplace.
No workplace is perfect and nothing will always go smoothly. Don’t evaluate and decide everything after only a few working days or you will regret it later. The most important thing is that you need to clearly define what you want and whether the company you have just joined can meet those desires or not. Wish you a great new start and productive working days!